The FieldsGoodPie Butternut Squash Pie is hands down the favorite among our customers. If you like sweet potato (and why wouldn't you), you will fall in love with this pie.  I was hesitant to try it 15 years ago when my mother first introduced this pie to me.  "Momma, No! You know I don't like squash!".  But I ended up loving it and immediately began to bake it at home for family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Pretty soon, I was getting regular requests. 

After 15 years of honing this recipe, it is now the flagship of FieldsGoodPie.  The pie is surprisingly delicious (to those that don't know the Butternut Squash), festive, tasty and oh-so very satisfying. It prepared sweet, not savory.





              The bUTTERNUT sQUASH Pie Slice

              The bUTTERNUT sQUASH Pie Slice